5 Daily Habits for a Lifetime of Self-Care

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What habits do I want to continue for a lifetime of self-care?

Usually, I can stick to a habit for a season, then I meander for a while before recommitting myself.

At the end of 2019, my need for growth and newness almost led to a mistake in my personal growth journey, but a book on habit formation came at just the right time to help me evaluate my priorities.

But first, let’s back up.

In 2019, I spent the year cultivating 5 habits: reading, writing, exercise, skincare, connection. These five self-care habits focus on mental, physical, and social health which are all integral to my overall wellbeing.

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My self-care goal for the year was to include these habits into daily rituals or routines.

By inserting these habits into my morning and evening routines, I was able to achieve a level of success with all five habits.

However, while doing my end of year goal evaluation and prep for 2020, I found myself pushing to elevate these habits in some way shape or form.

Luckily, I also ended the year by reading Atomic Habits by James Clear.

self-care habits

After reading his book I decided that instead of ditching five habits that I spent the year cultivating, I would focus on making small changes within the five habits to make a bigger difference in my life.

These are five habits that I want to indulge in forever, so my new goal is to not miss a day.

Why? Really executing these habits every single day could make for significant positive change and mental stability for a lifetime.

5 Self-Care Habits for A Lifetime…

Habit #1: Read

I love books and I love learning, so I do read something from a book every single day. Sometimes it’s a read a romance novel or a biography.

What gives me trouble is when I try to create a particular challenge around my reading, like only nonfiction for a year or only women writers.


Because I am a moody reader and putting such strict parameters around an activity I enjoy takes all of the fun out of the experience.

Moving forward I plan to focus on using the tips learned in Atomic Habits to make daily reading a treat.

Habit #2: Write

Notice this blog post?

For a time, I kept second-guessing myself when it comes to blogging.

Thinking that the content I create here is not elevated enough, but recently I reminded myself that this is a personal blog. And that it doesn’t have to be as polished as any other person’s blog.

This is a space for me to share my life with the purpose of inspiring others, so however I make that happen is enough.

Habit #3: Exercise

I recently wrote a post on my commitment to daily exercise here. It has been 21 days straight of exercise, and that journey has been amazing.

Moving forward, if you want to keep up with my workouts, follow me on Instagram here.

Thus far I do a mixture of weight training, yoga, and walking.

Next week I will take some progress shots to see how my body has responded to daily exercise and to update my fitness journey.

Habit #4: Skincare

This habit has to do with an overall body care routine. I want hydrated and clear skin all over my body, so that requires a dedicated routine.

In order for me to stick with a dedicated routine, it cannot have too many steps so I focus on clean and hydrated skin as part of my shower routines.

Habit #5: Connect

Arguably, the most important habit I cultivate for my mental health is daily connection.

Currently, it is easy to connect with my family because I live with a portion of them. However, I never want to take those who I love and who support me, for granted.

Plus, I am a giver so checking in on those who I call close friends and family helps fill my emotional tank.

At some point, I want to expand this daily connection to professional relationships as well, but for now, I am keeping this one simple and easy.

for a Lifetime

This year I want to figure out how to better build these habits to change my life for the better.

By focusing on the four steps learned from Atomic Habits, my hope is to make these habits irresistible.

Why? Because these five habits are the kind of self-care I want to indulge in for a lifetime.

I want a library full of books, to reach new levels of fitness and that flawless at 50 skin.

Long-term, I want to write a book one day and to hold a celebration surrounded by friends and family that know the journey.

More importantly, I want to set these habits in stone so I know that I am always prioritizing me, regardless of what happens in my lifetime.

self-care habits
self-care habits

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