My Year-Round Capsule Wardrobe

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   capsule wardrobe Truth: This time last year my personal wardrobe was in absolute shambles, but now thanks to my capsule wardrobe it is only slightly less so.

It costs money to change a wardrobe, and up until last year, I funneled my funds into my work wardrobe. I have a solid work capsule that I shared a couple of years ago in a blog post, and it has carried me through to today. Since then, I have only needed to replace a few items here or there, thus saving me money in the long run. Meaning that the capsule wardrobe concept truly works for me. As long as I thoughtfully cultivate a wardrobe based on my tastes and style, I can create a wardrobe that does not leave me feeling unprepared or frequently in need of new clothes.

When I first thought of a year-round capsule wardrobe I started researching others capsules and became hung up on the number of pieces. When I switched my thinking to functionality, the quantity no longer mattered. Instead, I focused on quality to produce a wardrobe that would last several years with only the occasional replacements. I am not a clothes hound, so I am investing in quality items that will last me several years. The fit is also important, so I have items tailored knowing I may gain or lose a few pounds along the way. Understanding how well my work capsule wardrobe has worked for me, I applied the same logic to cultivating a personal wardrobe.


capsule wardrobe

This list is the basis for my wardrobe regardless of the season. Truly deciding what was necessary for every season was not simple, but I really wanted to focus in on timeless essentials including shoes and accessories. Narrowing down to essential pieces was the hardest part of creating this list. The second was finding quality pieces at my price point while realizing that I cannot put a timeframe on this project. I am purchasing items as my budget allows, and that means this will take time. I am no fashionista, but I do have a cultivated style that does not fall in the monochrome category. Also, I would not call myself a minimalist, so I am not concerned with owning as few items of clothing as possible. My focus for this list was on creating a year-round basic wardrobe with pieces that would last me at least 5 years or more. That means my search is for quality fabrics and construction.

However, I don’t’ want to spend more than $300 on a single non-name brand piece of the capsule. $300 may seem steep, and it is, but the cost per wear is definitely something I take into account. I will pay well for a quality Merino Wool garment that will last me 10 years. However, I am looking at all possible sales and discounts for the items on the list so I do not overpay. Instead of rushing to purchase everything and fill out my wardrobe, I am waiting on sales, sticking to my budget, and am focused on truly loving the pieces I purchase.

capsule wardrobe

I know, Marie Kondo’s ideas make some people uncomfortable but I agree that I should find a little joy in the pieces of this capsule because of how long I intend to keep them in my closet. Proper care is also extra important for these pieces. I cannot fault quality or manufacturing when I carelessly throw a silk garment into the washing machine (haven’t done it, fingers crossed that I don’t make that mistake). For the first time, I am truly reading all of the care instructions for the things I have purchased and am taking care into consideration before purchasing items from my list.


I started working on this list last year and realized my vision was not clear enough to proceed. So, I took stock, really did some research and moved forward with purchasing again in December. I took inspiration from KarenBritChick and Alyssa Beltempo over on Youtube to help pull together a list and narrow down my style.

capsule wardrobe

I am the type of girl who prefers a signature scent and doesn’t mind wearing the same pair of earrings every single day. Having 10 great, useful shoes in my closet matters much more to me than owning shoes for every occasion. Also, sustainable fashion is not something I scoff at. Though I do not buy new clothes every season, if I can afford to, I would like to shop with stores and brands that have sustainable practices. Where not possible, I can practice sustainable habits in the ways in which I dispose of clothes and care for the clothes I own so that I do not consume new items every season.

The Wardrobe So Far

This process has not been all sunshine and rainbows. I have returned items, and I have purchased final sale items that I had to give away. A few items have been purchased that I did not love after a month, and they have been donated as well. At this point, I accept the fact that this process will not be fast, and that I may spend more money than anticipated to cultivate the type of wardrobe I desire. However, I think the end result will be worth the trouble.

capsule wardrobe

I cannot wait to get a call to meet for brunch, and not have that moment of panic because I do not have anything to wear. Plus, as I network and expand socially into more professional circles, I want to be confident in my dress instead of slightly intimidated. Accessorizing is a challenge for me, but I am hopeful by year end, that my personal wardrobe will dazzle. In comments box below share which items from my list you think are missing or direct me to a favorite item you own.



  1. Daria
    February 2, 2019 / 3:16 pm

    I really dug this post. My wardrobe needs going through, updating etc. Your list and YTbers, you mentioned, helps to simplify the process. Thank you.

    • February 2, 2019 / 3:24 pm

      Glad I could help!

  2. lilly
    February 7, 2019 / 5:35 pm

    Maybe you can add sandals to wear with shorts for example? And unless your really like them, forget the corduroy pants…
    But everything looks great and I like your color palette.

    • February 7, 2019 / 9:10 pm

      Sounds like just the thing. Thanks for the suggestion.